Monday, June 25, 2012


Jing is a screen capture tool that is free to download and easy to use.  You can use it to capture images and make short videos of what is on your computer screen.  I have been using this for my Web 2.0 blog to take screen shots so I don't have to crop it in Microsoft Word, so I can just save the image.  I haven't used Jing's video abilities yet, but you could make your own video tutorial on how to use a Web 2.0 tool for a distance class, or even how to use a web platform like Moodle to check assignments and grades.  I was thinking if I could get permission to download Jing onto our school computers, or even my school laptop that I use for our main classroom computer, to have students take turns using Jing to show how to solve math problems.  For example, they could use the document camera to take images of solving long division problems step by step and use Jing to put the video together.  Jing could be helpful for distance learning to share what students find on the Internet or to create movies for class.

If you like Smart Notebook's photo capture tool- Jing is very helpful because you can also manipulate images by adding text and auto shapes without having to insert the picture into another document or file first.

1 comment:

  1. Jing is one of my favorite tools. I use the video capability all the time. For our class, you can see my use of Jing in the CSS videos as well as the basic HTML videos. I have also used to Jing to answer questions when text doesn't seem to be enough; I just put together a quick video of me doing what I'm trying to explain. It would usually take me 5 times as long to write out an explanation as it does to throw together a quick Jing.
